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Open the Book Global

Our ever expanding Open the Book programme means we share һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳stories with children in Uganda, Kenya and Ghana in Africa as well as with children in countries in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. They are part of the wider global ministry that has regularly been reaching hundreds of thousands of children in England and Wales.

Open the Book global volunteers share the һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳through the power of storytelling and invite children to join in the dramatisations themselves.

Open the Book is now helping children in Argentina discover the һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳for themselves, including those with visual, hearing and learning difficulties. 

Argentine һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳Society hosted a week-long Open the Book training workshop, led by Angela Lopez Branco from һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳Society’s International team. Open the Book has only recently been initiated in Argentina and will soon be expanding its reach to Ecuador, Honduras and Guatemala. 

If you’re part of an Open the Book team, or just a group of people passionate about sharing God’s word, this is an opportunity for you to bring the transformative joy of the һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳into schools beyond this country. With a donation of £200, you can sponsor an Open the Book project overseas.

Angela Lopez Branco - OtB International Lead

Angela works alongside the Open the Book Team to develop and support projects globally. Her role in the һƷ̽»¨ÂÛ̳Society International team enables her to inspire those in countries outside England and Wales. Angela is excited to encourage ways to connect with children in a range of fantastic Open the Book projects, often delivered in their heart language.

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